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Search engine ranking for lawn care companies

on page optimization

Cruising With Clean On-Page Optimization

When it comes to ranking your website, it all starts with on page optimization. On page optimization is the process of optimizing your meta titles, meta descriptions, H1's and content to ensure that search engines know exactly what your website is about and the area that you serve. On page search engine optimization is the core of the SEO process, without it everything else in the rank optimization process  does not work as well. Which is why we use a proven process to optimize your website to ensure consistent results.


Navigation For Your Brand!

Citations are a core building block in ranking your website, as well as a core component of the trust based ranking system used by Marketing 180. Citation are simply listings of your business across the internet on directory sites like, facebook, instagram, and hundreds of others. The secret sauce with citations is to have 4 core components match exactly across all citation listings. Those 4 components are the name of your company, your company address, your company phone number, and your website url. At Marketing 180 we start with the most important citation sites first and consistently add citations each month. 

Link building

Your Link To The Leaderboard.

Our trust based ranking system focuses on the most important metrics search engines use to determine ranking position of your website in relation to your compeitors. One of those metrics is links, and when we research the top ranking lawn care sites in a specific area, they all have one thing in common and that is they have more links to their website than the competiors they are outranking. Which is why link building is a core part of our trust based ranking system.

Relevancy & Reviews

Leave Your Competition In The Dust.

Creating local relevancy and reviews go hand and hand when it comes to ranking your website. When it comes to reviews we help you get more reviews from your customers consistently using automations. Depending on how many reviews you have to start with compared to your competitors will determine how we approach your particular review campaigns. If you are way behind we may do a review blitz where we ask all your customers to leave you a review. The idea behind this is to boost the overall number of reviews quickly, then transition to requesting reviews consistently throughout the year. Ideally you want to have a consistent review flow throughout the year, and regardless of how we start that will be the approach we end with. These reviews also help with location relevancy in addition to our local relevancy trust based ranking process where we use a combination of blogs, posts, and press releases to improve rankings in your local area.

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